Sessão iniciada como:
"The Way Is Made By Walking"
The Spring 2026 Camino pilgrimage date has been set. Registration will open in February. Group size is limited to 14 persons. More inform...
Porto, Portugal-Valenca-Tui-Santiago
10 days and 9 nights
Porto, Portugal-Valenca-Tui-Santiago
10 days and 9 nights; limited to 12 persons
Registration and deposit due by October 31, 2024.
Contact us f...
Porto, Portugal-Valenca-Tui-Santiago
10 days and 9 nights; limited to 12 persons
Registration and deposit due by December 15, 2024.
Contact us ...
Aspirar Tours provides specialized tours and travel experiences for pilgrims walking the Portuguese Camino (Portugal/Spain) , St. Cuthbert's Way (England), and pilgrims visiting the Holy Land. Although each pilgrimage has a Christian focus, pilgrims of all faiths or none at all are welcome!
Aspirar is the Portuguese word meaning "to breath in, or inhale." Our goal is to provide pilgrimage experiences that create the time and space to breath in the culture, traditions, spiritual roots, and natural beauty of pilgrim paths that have been walked for generations.
Aspirar Tours offers travelers trip itinerary planning, accommodation arrangements and other basic travel services, along with a tour/camino guide. All of these services can be obtained individually or in a package. Contact us for more information.
What sets our services apart is that all tours are custom designed and accompanied by an experienced guide who also serves as the trip spiritual director. We love working with churches and groups to publicize, plan, and conduct Camino experiences.
While for some pilgrims, part and parcel of walking the way is the uncertainty of knowing where one will stay the night or the uncertainty about the route, that was not my goal. For that reason alone, I so appreciate the competent logistical work done by Aspirar tours to arrange lodging and meals and attend to the myriad details of a tour group such as luggage transfer. But the real gift from Father Steve was his pastoral skill in developing community among us peregrinos. We only knew each other from phone calls when we first met in Lisbon, and by the end of the camino, we were fast friends. The tour was structured so that we had the opportunity to minister and be ministered to, not only to others in the group, but also to those we encountered along the way. Pilgrimage is educational, spiritual and communal, and Aspirar's expertise boosts the power of an intrinsically transformative experience to a higher level. Karl, May 2024 Pilgrim
Father Steve Danzey is an Episcopal priest living and working out of Portugal. With over 35 years of ministry experience, he has led over 24 mission trips and pilgrimages, including the Holy Land and the Portuguese Camino. Father Steve's knowledge of the culture and history will enhance the pilgrimage experience. He also serves as the spiritual director for each trip.
David Maske provides technical support and trip assistance at our base in Lisbon, Portugal.
Our team also includes travel specialists who assist with accommodation and luggage transfer services.
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